API reference - Ricoh Theta

Bluetooth API Reference

Ricoh Theta X and Z1 support camera control via Bluetooth Low Energy communication. This communication protocol is fully compliant with the Bluetooth 4.2 Core Specifications that includes the Generic Atttibute Profile (GATT) and incorporates Ricoh Theta Extensions.

1. Advertising

Ricoh Theta is discoverable for an indefinite period of time.

2. Provided services

Ricoh Theta X and Z1 provides following services:

All characteristics return response upto 512 bytes as UTF-8 encoded JSON.

2.1 Camera control command v2 service

The serice UUID is b6ac7a7e-8c01-4a52-b188-68d53df53ea2.

The following characteristics are exposed in the Camera control command v2 service.

Characteristic Name Enabled properties Characteristic UUID Value format
Get Info read a0452e2d-c7d8-4314-8cd6-7b8bbab4d523 UTF-8 string (JSON)
Get State read 083d92b0-21e0-4fb2-9503-7d8b2c2bb1d1 UTF-8 string (JSON)
Get State2 read 8881ce4e-96fc-4c6c-8103-5dda0ad138fb UTF-8 string (JSON)
Notify State notify d32ce140-b0c2-4c07-af15-2301b5057b8c UTF-8 string (JSON)

3. Recent firmware change history

3.1 Theta X

3.2 Theta Z1