API reference - Ricoh Theta

0x99A7 ConvertVideoFormats

Operation code

0x99A7 (vendor extension operation)


Converts the movie format of a saved movie.

Operation parameters

No. Operation parameter Theta specification
1 VideoHandle Video handle to be converted
2 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
3 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
4 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
5 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000

Dataset (Initiator to Responder)

Theta X

Name Size Data type Description
Size 1 UINT8 Recorded size:
1: 3840x1920

Theta Z1

Name Size Data type Description
Size 1 UINT8 Recorded size:
0: 1920x960,
1: 3840x1920
Projection type 1 UINT8 0: Equirectangular
Codec 1 UINT8 0: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
Top bottom correction 1 UINT8 0: Apply,
1: ApplyFixedDirection,
2: Disapply