API reference - Ricoh Theta

0x99BF GetAccessPointProxy

Operation code

0x99BF (vendor extension operation)


Return the proxy information registered in the access point. Theta Z1 only.

Operation parameters

No. Operation parameter Theta specification
1 AccessPointHandle Access point handle of the target access point
2 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
3 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
4 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
5 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000

Dataset (Responder to Initiator)

Field order Field name Size Data type Description
1 Use 1 UINT8 Presence of proxy usage:
0: do not use proxy
1: use proxy
2 Url 64 STRING Proxy server URL
3 Port 5 STRING Proxy server port number: 0 to 65535
4 User ID 64 STRING User ID used for proxy authentication