API reference - Ricoh Theta

0x99C0 SetAccessPointProxy

Operation code

0x99C0 (vendor extension operation)


Set the proxy information for the access point being used in client mode. Theta Z1 only.

Operation parameters

No. Operation parameter Theta specification
1 AccessPointHandle Access point handle of the target access point
2 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
3 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
4 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
5 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000

Dataset (Initiator to Responder)

Field order Field name Size Data type Description
1 Use 1 UINT8 Presence of proxy usage:
0: do not use proxy
1: use proxy
2 Url 64 STRING Proxy server URL
3 Port 5 STRING Proxy server port number: 0 to 65535
4 User ID 64 STRING User ID used for proxy authentication