API reference - Ricoh Theta

0x99B7 SetPluginOrders

Operation code

0x99B7 (vendor extension operation)


Sets the plugins for plugin mode.

Operation parameters

Theta X

No. Operation parameter Theta specification
1 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
2 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
3 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
4 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
5 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000

Theta Z1

No. Operation parameter Theta specification
1 PluginHandle 1 Plugin handle to be set Plugin 1
2 PluginHandle 2 Plugin handle to be set Plugin 2
3 PluginHandle 3 Plugin handle to be set Plugin 3
4 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000
5 Reserved Unused.
Specify 0x00000000

When not specifying, set 0xFFFFFFFF. If 0xFFFFFFFF is placed mid-way, it will be moved to the front. Specifying zero plugin will result in an error.

Dataset (Initiator to Responder)

Theta X

Field order Field name Size Data type Description
1 Plugin handle array any AUINT32 List of plugin handle