API reference - Ricoh Theta

0xD812 BracketParameters

Device property code

0xD812 (vendor extension property)


Acquires or sets the multi bracket shooting setting.



Support value

The multi bracket shooting setting format is a 128-bit integer array as defined below.

Array index Field Bit length Description
0 ExposureBiasCompensation 16 bits Exposure compensation
Refer to 0x5010 ExposureBiasCompensation for the format.
ExposureIndex 16 bits ISO sensitivity
Refer to 0x500F ExposureIndex for the format.
ShutterSpeed 64 bits Shutter speed
Refer to 0xD00F ShutterSpeed for the format.
F-number 16 bits Aperture
Refer to 0x5007 F-Number for the format.
Set 0 for Theta X.
ExposureProgramMode 16 bits Exposure program
Refer to 0x500E ExposureProgramMode for the format.
Theta X supports only 0x0001 (Manual program).
1 Reserved 96 bits
ColorTemperature 16 bits Color temperature setting
Refer to 0xD813 ColorTemperature for the format.
Reserved (Theta X only) 16 bits
WhiteBalance (Theta Z1 only) 16 bits White balance
Refer to 0x5005 WhiteBalance for the format.