API reference - Ricoh Theta

0xD834 Image Stitching

Device property code

0xD834 (vendor extension property)


Still image stitching setting during shooting.



Support value

Value Description
0x0001 Automatic
Refer to stitching when shooting with “0x0001”
0x0002 Does not perform stitching
0x0003 Performs static stitching
0x0004 Performs dynamic stitching
0x0005 (Theta X)
Performs semi-dynamic stitching
Saves dynamic distortion correction parameters for the first image and then uses them for the 2nd and subsequent images

(Theta Z1)
0x0006 Performs dynamic stitching and then saves distortion correction parameters
0x0007 Performs stitching using the saved distortion correction parameters

For “0x0002”, captured still images are saved in a dual-fisheye format. For other than “0x0002”, captured still images are saved in an Equirectangular format.

Stitching when shooting with “0x0001”

Model Shooting method Description
X Multi-bracketing shooting Performs semi-dynamic stitching
Except for multi-bracketing shooting Performs dynamic stitching