API reference - Ricoh Theta

Option _autoBracket

Type object

Description: Multi bracket shooting setting.


    "_bracketNumber": 2,
    "_bracketParameters": [
            "exposureProgram": 1,
            "iso": 100,
            "shutterSpeed": 0.01,
            "whiteBalance": "auto"
            "_colorTemperature": 5000,
            "exposureProgram": 1,
            "iso": 400,
            "shutterSpeed": 0.0025,
            "whiteBalance": "_colorTemperature"
Property Type Required Description
_bracketNumber integer yes Number of shots in multi bracket shooting.
_bracketParameters array yes List of parameters specified for multi bracket shooting.


Type integer

Description: Number of shots in multi bracket shooting.

Minimum ≥ 2
Maximum ≤ 13


Type array

Description: List of parameters specified for multi bracket shooting.

Array restrictions
Min items N/A
Max items N/A
Each item of this array must be Description
bracketParameter Parameter for a shot. Theta X supports only 1 (manual program) for exposureProgram. Others than Theta Z1 do not support aperture.


Type object

Description: Parameter for a shot. Theta X supports only 1 (manual program) for exposureProgram. Others than Theta Z1 do not support aperture.

Property Type Required Description
iso enum (of integer) no ISO sensitivity. 0 means auto. Only Theta X supports 50 and 64. Only Theta Z1 supports 4000, 5000 and 6400.
This option value is retained separately for each of still image shooting mode and video shooting mode.
shutterSpeed enum (of integer or number) no Shutter speed (seconds). See detail descriptions.
_colorTemperature integer no Color temperature setting of Theta (Kelvin).
To enable this option, set the value `”_colorTemperature”` to whiteBalance option.
This option value is retained separately for each of still image shooting mode and video shooting mode.
exposureProgram enum (of integer) yes Current exposure program.
This option value is retained separately for each of still image shooting mode and video shooting mode.
Manual program
Normal program. Exposure settings are all set automatically.
Aperture priority program. Theta Z1 only
Shutter priority program
ISO priority program
aperture enum (of integer or number) no Aperture value.
Others than Theta Z1, aperture value is fixed so that you need not to care of this option.
Value 0 means auto aperture. Possible values for Theta Z1 is 0, 2.1, 3.5 and 5.6. Possible values for Theta X is 0 and 2.4.
exposureCompensation enum (of number) no Exposure compensation (EV).
This option value is retained separately for each of still image shooting mode and video shooting mode.
If the exposure program is set to manual program, the value of this option is 0.
whiteBalance enum (of string) yes White balance. See detail descritions.


Type enum (of integer)

Description: ISO sensitivity. 0 means auto. Only Theta X supports 50 and 64. Only Theta Z1 supports 4000, 5000 and 6400.
This option value is retained separately for each of still image shooting mode and video shooting mode.

Must be one of:


Type enum (of integer or number)

Description: Shutter speed (seconds). See detail descriptions.

Must be one of:


Type integer

Description: Color temperature setting of Theta (Kelvin).
To enable this option, set the value "_colorTemperature" to whiteBalance option.
This option value is retained separately for each of still image shooting mode and video shooting mode.

Multiple of 100
Minimum ≥ 2500
Maximum ≤ 10000


Type enum (of integer)

Description: Current exposure program.
This option value is retained separately for each of still image shooting mode and video shooting mode.

Manual program
Normal program. Exposure settings are all set automatically.
Aperture priority program. Theta Z1 only
Shutter priority program
ISO priority program

Must be one of:


Type enum (of integer or number)

Description: Aperture value.
Others than Theta Z1, aperture value is fixed so that you need not to care of this option.
Value 0 means auto aperture. Possible values for Theta Z1 is 0, 2.1, 3.5 and 5.6. Possible values for Theta X is 0 and 2.4.

Must be one of:


Type enum (of number)

Description: Exposure compensation (EV).
This option value is retained separately for each of still image shooting mode and video shooting mode.
If the exposure program is set to manual program, the value of this option is 0.

Must be one of:


Type enum (of string)

Description: White balance. See detail descritions.

Must be one of: