API reference - Ricoh Theta

Web API Reference

Ricoh Theta X and Z1 provide Web APIs.

The Web API conforms to Open Spherical Camera API (OSC API) level 2 by Google. In addition to OSC API, vendor commands and vendor parameters are provided. The name of vendor commands and vendor parameters is prefixed with an underscore (”_”).

Either wireless LAN or wired LAN is used for communication between a client and Ricoh Theta. While LAN connection is on, Ricoh Theta acts as an HTTP 1.1 server and a client can call Web APIs by GET or POST requests.

To connect Theta to wired LAN, use an USB Ethernet adapter.

Table of contents

1. Protocol, IP address, port and FQDN

Theta does not support HTTPS but HTTP.

In the direct mode, IP address of Ricoh Theta is and the port of Web API is 80.

In the client mode, IP address of Theta is determined by a LAN router, and the port of Web API is 80. Furthermore, HTTP digest access authentication is required.

The default username is a concatenation of THETA and its serial number (e.g., THETAYR12345678), and some Theta models have the default password, a numeric part of Theta serial number (e.g., 12345678). Theta X whose serial number starts with YR10 or YR20, and Theta Z1 whose serial number starts with YN10, YN20, YN30, YN40 or YN50 do not have a default password so that _password option must be set in advance.

The username and password can be changed through Web API.

In an environment where multicast DNS (mDNS) is available, Theta FQDN starts with THETA and ends with a serial number and .local (e.g., THETAYR12345678.local).

Calling Web APIs from Theta plugins, IP address of Web API is and port is 8080.

2. APIs

2.1 API endpoints

URL paths of Theta Web API endpoints are defined in this section. HTTP method, request body, HTTP status code and response body of each endpoint are defined in the link destination page.

2.2 Error codes

Some APIs may return an error response. See error codes for a description of each error.

3. Commands

Commands defined in this section can be executed using /osc/commands/execute API.

In this section, each command is defined depending on their purpose such as shooting, downloading and manipulating images, checking and changing the settings, receiving live preview stream and controlling plugins.

3.1 Commands for Shooting

Shooting still images

Shooting videos and continuously still images

3.2 Commands for downloading and manipulating images

3.3 Commands for checking and changing the settings

Checking and changing shooting conditions

Checking and changing Theta settings

3.4 Command for Receiving live preview stream

3.5 Commands for Controlling plugins

4. Options

Option values can be gotten by camera.getOptions command, and can be set by camera.setOptions command.

To get supported values of enumerated type options, read only options, which are not described in following subsections, are also provided. Their names are the concatenation of the target option name and “Support”. Their value is an array of supported values. For example, to acquire the supported values for the iso option, get the value of isoSupport option.

In this section, each option is defined depending on their purpose such as shooting settings, multiple shooting settings, image processing settings, Theta settings, getting Theta state and microphone settings.

4.1 Options for shooting settings

4.2 Options for multiple shooting settings

4.3 Options for image processing settings

4.4 Options for Theta settings

4.5 Options for getting Theta state (read only)

4.6 Options for network settings

4.7 Options for microphone settings

Appendix A. API differences among Theta models

Even if a command or an option has the same name, the parameters that can be set may be different, or there are some that are defined only in one or the other. Refer the difference lists .

Appendix B. Recent firmware change history

These API descriptions target the latest version of Theta firmware. Older versions may not have any options or parameters. Refer firmware change history.

Appendix C. indexes of commands and options